By Daniel G. Weidner “There are none so blind as those who will not see”. The origin of this quote is unknown to me. However, the relevance of this quote to the current political situation in our nation seems clear. There exists a significant number of Americans who will not see. They are locked in their silos and hold on to their confirmation bias with a white knuckled intensity. The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines ignorance as: “the state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, education, or awareness”. The definition of ignorance in the literature on Mindfulness suggests that it means to be misled, misguided, deluded, or asleep. It is important to understand that in Mindfulness ignorance is not considered to be a lack of knowledge, rather it is knowing the wrong things. Ignorance, at its most basic level, is a misunderstanding of reality. Dr. Mark Epstein refers to it as the “…concretization of experience”. Buddhist’s consider ignorance to be one of the “three poisons” (attachment, aversion, ignorance). The three poisons are considered to be the three main causes of suffering (also known as Dukkha - pervasive unsatisfactoriness). Ignorance is considered to be the root of the other two poisons. We find that our resentment and anger, and selfishness and ill-will are themselves only conditioned responses that are the result of ignorance. Ignorance can degenerate into a generalized feeling of numbness, and if it is allowed to continue one can begin to feel that there is no way out of it. When we pretend to ourselves that we do not see and feel the things that we do not want to see and feel, we gradually lose our ability to feel at all. And it is in this feeling that there is no way out which can lead some people to look for someone who can lead them out of these feelings. A demagogue, an authoritarian, can take clear advantage of ignorance and use it for their own purposes. It is important here to remember that ignorance causes suffering. Our empathy, understanding, and compassion for those who suffer from ignorance are essential. Anger and resentment in relation to ignorance only causes more suffering. No one wants to be told that they are ignorant. People sometimes imply that ignorance means that one is not smart. This is far from the truth. There are many intelligent people who suffer from ignorance. But having a discussion with someone regarding ignorance can be like walking through a minefield. Before one can deal with ignorance in the world one must first both recognize and accept their own ignorance. If you would like to reduce ignorance in the world, then perhaps it is best to begin with oneself. This is where the practice of Mindful Meditation can be helpful. Cessation of ignorance in Meditation does not mean the cessation of feelings and perceptions; it means the cessation of ignorance in our feelings and perceptions. In Meditation we can begin to look deeply into the true nature of our existence. We begin to recognize and accept our ignorance and the suffering that it creates for us and others. Through this process we can begin to lift ourselves out of our ignorance and find greater peace and happiness in our lives. This, in turn, makes the world a little less ignorant. Namaste.
December 2024